Exhibit Profile
Stage lighting, entertainment lighting, theater lighting, architectural lighting, LED lighting, laser lighting, control systems, and accessories, etc.
Audio equipment, sound reinforcement systems, broadcast equipment, mixing consoles, DJ equipment, microphones, audio accessories, cables, etc.
Rental screens, transparent screens, naked-eye 3D screens, XR solutions, creative screens, floor tile screens, fine pitch screens, control systems, and kits, etc.
Stage machinery, rigging, lifting platforms, special effects, curtains, trusses, flight cases, rigging equipment, seating stands, flooring installation, etc.
Video conferencing systems, integrated solutions, stage system integration, multimedia and projection equipment, public broadcasting, etc.
Kiosk, touch screens, LCD displays, OLED displays, multimedia information service systems, etc.
Signage, billboards, illuminated signs, handheld signs, glow sticks, light boxes, exhibition display equipment, etc.
Metaverse VR/AR/MR, holographic projection, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), event production, etc.
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