Pro Audio, Lighting & Systems Asia 2026

1st-3rd March, Shenzhen, China

“Hong Kong Health Code” system opens for registration starting tomorrow (with photos)

Date:2021-12-24 Views:545

      The "Hong Kong Health Code" system will be open for registration from 9am tomorrow (December 10), and the latest "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app version 3.0 will also be available for update. Members of the public can register a real-name account on the "Hong Kong Health Code" website Upon successful registration, users can upload their visit records to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system through the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app version 3.0, and then login to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system to receive a "Hong Kong Health Code".

     The "Hong Kong Health Code" adopts real-name registration. Applicants are required to register personal information such as name, identity document number and date of issue, contact telephone number, residential address, etc, and upload a Hong Kong residential address proof for verification.

     Applicants who are residing in Hong Kong Housing Authority Public Rental Housing do not need to submit the residential address proof, as the system will verify the information according to the public housing resident database. The Government will accord priority to applications from applicants who can upload the Hong Kong residential address proof, as well as those who are residing in the Hong Kong Housing Authority Public Rental Housing. The system will send a personal identification number (PIN) to applicants for account activation through SMS once their residential address has been verified.

     If applicants are unable to provide a Hong Kong residential address proof, or the system cannot verify their residential address, they will have to wait for a confirmation letter containing a PIN issued by the Government for account activation.

     Applicants who are not Hong Kong identity card holders will have to bring the letter and their identity document for identity verification at designated post offices. They will receive a PIN through SMS for account activation after verification.

     Upon successful registration, users can use the newly added function of the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app version 3.0 to upload visit records of the past 31 days to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system. Updating the mobile app will not affect previous visit records saved inside the app which are stored in the users' mobile phones and these records will also be uploaded to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system.

     The "Hong Kong Health Code" system generates three kinds of codes, namely the Red, Amber or Green "Hong Kong Health Code" and the standard to determine the colour of the code aligns with that of the "YueKang Code" issued by Guangdong Province. Confirmed cases, probable cases, close contacts, household contacts of close contacts, recovered COVID-19 patients who were discharged from hospital less than 14 days ago, persons who are currently under compulsory quarantine, and persons who have shown symptoms in the past 14 days will be issued with the Red code; persons who have visited or resided in high-risk areas (including the residential address submitted and visit records uploaded through the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app) in the past 21 days, or arrived at Hong Kong in less than 21 days, including persons who have completed compulsory quarantine or are exempted from the compulsory quarantine requirement when they enter Hong Kong (except for those who entered Hong Kong from the Mainland or Macao under the "Return2hk" or "Come2hk" Schemes) will be issued with the Amber code; and the rest will be issued with the Green code. All "Hong Kong Health Codes" will be valid up to 11.59pm on the day of application.

     The "Hong Kong Health Code" facilitates quarantine-free travel between Guangdong, Macao and Hong Kong. The Government opens the "Hong Kong Health Code" system in advance for registration to allow members of the public to familiarise themselves with its functions earlier, including the procedures to upload visit records through the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app to apply for a "Hong Kong Health Code", with a view to facilitating a smoother operation when quarantine-free travel with the Mainland and Macao officially resumes. The sequence of registering for the "Hong Kong Health Code" has nothing to do with the quotas for boundary crossings and there is no hurry to apply for it. Members of the public can register for the "Hong Kong Health Code" or update the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app to the latest version at their own discretion if they have no plan for boundary crossings.

     For enquiries on the "Hong Kong Health Code", please visit starting from 9am tomorrow or call the enquiry hotline at 3142 2330.


The updated "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app version 3.0 will be available for download tomorrow (December 10). Users can upload their visit records to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system through the app, and then login to the "Hong Kong Health Code" system to receive a "Hong Kong Health Code".
Ends/Thursday, December 9, 2021
Issued at HKT 14:00


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