Pro Audio, Lighting & Systems Asia 2026

1st-3rd March, Shenzhen, China

Webcast Schedule of Our Virtual Exhibition is Unveiled


1-3 September, LED CHINA 2020 Virtual Exhibition will be held along with its physical exhibition in China, Shenzhen city. At this first-ever edition of LED CHINA, what do have to benefit our global buyers? Let’s take a glance today!Take a virtual tour on the exhibition site via the live streaming hosted by LED CHINA team. What’s fun over here, will be all in our live tours.


What can LED technology do for security & surveillance sector?


Integrating multiple channels of information and data, the display technology in a control room assists leading corporations, governments, broadcasters, utilities, security and traffic authorities to monitor their networks, identify problems and drive to quick resolution.How can the nowaday display technology assist us to complete all those tasks? Join LED CHINA 2020 this September, learn more about the current LED innovation in security & surveillance sector.


What can LED technology do for security & surveillance sector?
Join LED CHINA Live, Approach 1200 Brands at ZERO COST


LED CHINA 2020 Shenzhen is happening on 1-3 September in Shenzhen China with over 1,200 premium brands participate. Presenting leading-edge LED and audio-visual solutions that cover most of its vertical market, LED CHINA is the event of the year that assist you stay up to date with market trend.In order to keep everyone staying connected under the pandemic, LED CHINA 2020 is offering a unique experience on LED CHINA I Live online webcast platform at ZERO COST.


Join LED CHINA Live, Approach 1200 Brands at ZERO COST
These digital technologies are certainly a must amid epidemic control


To limit the spread of the coronavirus in a country with a huge population like China is not easy, as the main measure of this is to reduce human traffic and the chance that people gather, many retail stores have been closing since the outbreak by this reason. At such moment, to enhance the efficiency of home working and make things going online have been our top priority.Now, Let’s see what technologies that Commercial Integration China 2020 shenzhen exhibitors have, to help combating this epid


NEW Date Announcement: September 1-3, 2020


Dear partners, visitors, and exhibitors,In response to the state council's and the pandemic prevention & control requirements, LED CHINA, Entertainment Design Expo, Commercial Integration China, Digital Signage China, SIGN CHINA, Retail China, was postponed to April 24-26 and the team has been working towards the exhibition in an orderly manner. Thanks to effective measures by the government, Covid-19 is now largely under control in China. The prevention guidelines issued by the Chinese State Co


NEW Date Announcement: September 1-3, 2020


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